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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ginger The Extraordinary 
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a medicinal plant native to Asia from the family of pseudo-stem. The benefits of ginger is very good for health is well known to make plants to India, Jamaica, Australia, China and almost all over the world. Heating plant body is divided into 3 types based on shape, size and color of the rhizome, namely: Ginger small white, large white ginger and red ginger.

Ginger benefits not only be used as a beverage body warmers, but ginger is also widely used as a cooking spice up the flavor concentrates and baking bread.The drug manufacturers are also many who use ginger as a raw material of their products after discovering the health benefits of ginger are very good. Besides the benefits of ginger can also be processed into sauerkraut, pickles, salad, syrup until fragrant oils. Even today many farmers chilli ginger tapped for natural pesticides for their crops.Capital management of Health

Based on modern studies conducted by experts, some of the health benefits of ginger to: 

- Ginger can lower high blood pressure. These benefits can be obtained ginger because ginger has the ability to widen blood vessels and stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline. Because of this, the blood can flow more quickly and more smoothly.
 - Ginger can help expedite the process of digestion. This is because ginger has some of the content of protease and lipase enzymes that can digest proteins and fats in the body.
 - Ginger can help rid the body of dirty blood to help remove sweat from the body.
 - Ginger to treat nausea and vomiting, increase appetite, strengthen the intestinal muscles, treating coughs, throat. These benefits can be obtained ginger because ginger contains gingerol oil that can block serotonin and a distinctive aroma of ginger.
 - Ginger can prevent blood clots. Ginger contains gingerol is the anticoagulant (preventing blood clotting).
 - Ginger can neutralize free radicals that exist in the body because the ginger also has a fairly high antioxidant content.

So you are interested in taking ginger?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dragonflies, Super Advanced Flying Machine

 Dragonflies, Super Advanced Flying Machine

Dragonflies are insects that we often see in places such as parks or around the home. Such as butterflies and dragonflies bees also undergo metamorphosis within the period of his life. The difference, butterfly metamorphosis while experiencing dragonfly have incomplete metamorphosis. Starting from the egg and then into larvae and eventually into an adult dragonfly can fly beautifully.

Dragonfly's front wings are longer than the back of a dragonfly wing. This makes the shape of the wing like a dragonfly can fly very fast up to 50 km / h and can perform various maneuvers in the air from moving sideways, back up along the surface of the object. Expertise in flying their crown as the fastest insects on earth.

Dragonfly flight system is a marvel of design with the technologies that beats flying all man-made machines. This being the last model of the design of the famous Sikorsky helicopter in the world, created using designs dragonfly as a model.

Sikorsky helicopters are designed to mimic the perfect design and ability to maneuver than a dragonfly. Besides that there are no less interesting that the dragonfly is the shape of her eyes. This insect has a great eye with thousands of triangular-facet lens like the bees. With big eyes and triangular-facet is the dragonfly can see in every direction. This makes us a bit of trouble when they want to catch this animal even from behind.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

9 Unique Facts Sneezing

9 Unique Facts Sneezing:
1. Sneezing is an involuntary reaction of the body to clear the nostrils of foreign objects by strong gusts of wind from the lungs out of the body either through nose or mouth.

2. Air is blown when we sneeze has the speed to 160 km / h.

3. A person who is sneezing could throw hundreds of thousands of bacteria into the surrounding air.

4. Eyebrows around our eyes appeared to have a relationship with the nerves around the nose, eyebrow consequences if we do it will trigger a sneeze.

5. In our body while sleeping in a rest condition as well as nerves in the nose, so when sleep is almost impossible we have to sneeze.

6. Heavy work a full day can trigger a sneeze. Because after working hard mouth and nose in a dry state so that the nose will produce excessive mucus that can cause sneezing.

7. Although it can be arrested before they occur, can not stop sneezing when it came out. If you remain determined to hold it, then you can be damaged eardrums and eyeballs come out.

8. Survey has shown that exposure to direct sun to make one of three people suffered sneezing. According to scientists it is influenced by genetic factors.

9. record for the longest sneezing owned by Dona Griffiths of Worcesthaire, England. He has sneezed for 978 days with a single sneeze every minute.



By experts from the British company, fireflies light detection technology used in lethal bacteria such as E. coli or Legionella. The use of this tool has penetrated the food industry. About 15 million package of tools that have been sold.

In the evening, around gardens or shrubs that there are times when we see dark light such as fluorescent yellow or green lights. Light finger nails as small pieces of floating above the ground. That's a firefly. These creatures include a kind of luminous insects of the beetle (Coleoptera, Lampyridae).

The study reveals, it turns out the light of fireflies flickering is communication with a certain rhythm that resembles Morse code used in the telegram man. Biologists also found that the light issued firefly role in finding a mating partner. This light also plays as a warning sign of danger.

Cold light

Light-producing organs in the body of fireflies are able to release about 100% of energy in the form of light. This makes the cold light. Imagine if the light like a firefly hot incandescent bulbs, they may be burned and die. This phenomenon makes the researchers are interested. Because the bulbs are known for a long time if the light will heat up and can only produce about 10% of the light source of electrical energy generated.To be its present form through the incandescent bulbs have a long research process, which is 50 years older. Development of the electric light bulb Sir Humphrey Davy began in 1811. Thomas Edison managed to develop it into an electric light bulb in 1878. When Edison was sending people to various parts of the world to find the best material as filaments (filament) light bulbs. He tried no less than 6000 wire or fiber materials, including those from plants such as bamboo, durable filament finally found a non-flammable without oxygen in the glass ball. Edison eventually founding the company in charge of Edison General Electric, who is now a global giant, General Electric.